Announcing the Startup Industrialization Monitor
The Startup Industrialization Monitor is a new initiative tracking the scale-up of US startups as they commercialize advanced technologies. This platform aims to build a shared resource for strategic planning, best practices, and awareness among strategic leaders and government partners. The initiative currently tracks 101 active projects across 34 states with a median project size of $147 million and 110,000 square feet. We invite you to participate in further enhancing this valuable resource by contributing via the The Startup Industrialization Monitor Survey.
Some of our initial observations are below. We are digging into the “why” behind these and look forward to sharing more in the future.
⏳ Assembly (discrete) manufacturing projects took a median of 14 months from kickoff to production start. Process (continuous) manufacturing projects took significantly longer with a median of 28 months.
🌎 California, Massachusetts, Texas, and Washington lead with the largest number of projects. While the more populous states have the largest number of projects, the states with the largest projects tend to be less population dense like Kentucky, Arizona, and South Carolina.
✈️ Companies site their production facility in a different state from their HQ about half the time, regardless of industry.
🔋 Battery raw materials comprise 1 in 4 of our tracked projects and are the most common type. Sustainable aviation fuels, green hydrogen, and metal refining comprise another quarter of our tracked projects.
Take a look at the full visualization on our website.
The Startup Industrialization Monitor seeks to catalog and track all of the industrialization projects by North American startups. We define startup as any privately funded enterprise working to bring new and innovative technologies to market. We include production manufacturing facilities, reduced scale pilot deployments, and full scale demo deployments.
NextGen Industry Group
The NextGen Industry Group is a nonprofit organization focused on uplifting the resurgence of localized industry, revitalizing and reinvigorating the foundation of a region’s economy and solving the most pressing challenges - energy independence, modernization of critical infrastructure, job creation, and supply chain resiliency. With a steadfast focus on economic prosperity, job creation, and community development, we aspire to cultivate a resilient and inclusive industrial landscape that uplifts workers, revitalizes communities, and fosters a sustainable future. Together, we embrace the challenge of reindustrialization with optimism and determination, driven by the belief that a robust and diverse industrial base is essential for independent strength and prosperity.